Orders: Automatically tag orders based on referring/landing site/affiliate link

With Smart Tags'  Custom Order Rule, you can easily tag orders based on the referring or landing site. This is great if you want to tag orders based on the affiliate link.

The fields that you’d be interested in would be:
- Landing Site field
- Referring Site field

Shopify captures and populate both fields when a customer places an order. 

You can use the above fields to tag customers that has orders with Referring or Landing Sites that matches certain text, which might contain the campaign code. Typically, email campaign links will include the “utm_campaign” code in the URL to identify which campaign it came from.

  1. Click Add new rule > Custom Order Rule...
  2. Specify a name and description to identify the rule later. This step is optional but helps with managing your Smart Tags rules.
    Name: Orders Referred by "campaign1234" campaign
    Description: Tag orders with "campaign1234” if it were referred to by "campaign1234"
  3. Specify the following rule definition:
    For ALL orders,
    If order matches ANY of the following conditions:

    Condition #1
    Order Field: Referring Site field
    Operator: contains 
    Value: following value > “utm_campaign=campaign1234"

    Condition #2
    Order Field: Landing Site field
    Operator: contains 
    Value: following value > “utm_campaign=campaign1234”

  4. Specify the tag labels that you want to be applied if the product matches the above rule, for e.g: “campaign1234"
  5. Check Enable Rule
  6. Make use of the preview on the right sidebar to ensure that the tag gets applied as expected.
  7. Click Save

If have further questions about getting the above example to work with your business needs, do drop us a message any time.