Preset Rules: Product Type

Product Type allows you to automatically tag your products in your Shopify store based on each product type.

If the product gets updated and the product type was changed, the tag will be updated to the new product type.

In this article

Edit and enable Product Type preset

  1. Select Presets tab in the Smart Tag Rules table
  2. For Product Type preset rule, click Edit
  3. Fill in the options available for Product Type preset rule
    Note: See Product Type Options to learn about the options available.
  4. Check Enable rule checkbox to enable the rule
  5. Remember to click Save to keep changes or Cancel to discard changes

Product Type options

The following table shows the options available for Product Type preset rule:

Option Description Default Required?
Filter Enable filter to only apply rule to selected products

Learn more about the filter option.
Disabled No
Prefix Prepend each tag with the prefix.
Leave blank if you don't want the tag to be prefixed with anything.

Learn more about the prefix option.
Empty No


Tag product based on its product type

Edit and enable Product Type preset and your products will be automatically be tagged. It does not get any much easier than that!

The following table shows some examples of product types and the result tag.

Product Type Tag
Dresses Dresses
Blouses / Tops Blouses / Tops
Shirts Shirts

Prepend tag with a prefix

Prepending the tag with a prefix helps with organizing the tags in your Shopify store.

Using it lets you know the type of tag, differentiating it from other tags that the product might have.

Enable Product Type preset and set the Prefix option.

The following table shows some examples of product types and the result tag thats prepended with the prefix value "type-".

Prefix Product Type Tag
type- Dresses type-Dresses
type- Blouses / Tops type-Blouses / Tops
type- Shirts type-Shirts